Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Sometimes you need to start in the middle

I set up my blog quite a while ago.  I kept thinking about the direction I wanted to go.  Being in the fashion industry my whole adult life seemed a logical subject to write about.  Time passed, still didn't get the inspiration to get something started.  Then it just became this abstract thought I put on the shelf and didn't pay much attention to the whole concept.

Being fortunate to be surrounded by people that keep me inspired and are my life cheerleaders I realized that when I do meet with people it's often not fashion that I talk about.  Of course, when I get hired the focus is on the job at hand.  Maybe it's me or the people I attract but conversations often lead to a sharing of knowledge.

I'm inspired by authors like Tom Robbins, who wrote one of my all time favorite books, Jitterbug Perfume.  A book I've read almost every year for 25 years.  I love how so many stories are told at once, and at first the book seems chaotic.  However as you approach the ending it all ties together and is actually quite orderly.

I decided to make my blog be about conversations I have with people.  Often I'll be involved in discussions with people who get interested and want to know more.  I'm going to share the knowledge I learn, and when I can, the resources they come from. I've been on a life quest since I was a child for self realization and I truly believe our souls are eternal, I can only start my journaling in the middle.